What Colors Do Miniature Schnauzers Come In?
- Salt & Pepper
- Black & Silver
- Solid Black
The U.S. Miniature Schnauzer Breed Standard recognizes three colors salt & pepper, black & silver, and solid black. These three colors are referred to as the only recognized colors. However, this simply means these three colors are the only allowed colors to meet breed standard and conformation showing. The salt & pepper, black & silver, and solid black are also referred to as traditional colors of the miniature schnauzer breed.
- white
- white chocolate
- platinum silver
- wheaten
- liver or chocolate
- liver tan
- liver pepper
- salt & pepper parti
- platinum silver parti
- black & silver parti
- black parti
- liver parti
- liver tan parti
- liver pepper parti
Miniature schnauzers range in a variety of colors, which are not traditional breed standard colors. They come in various nonstandard colors often referred to as rare colors. The American Kennel Club does recognize nonstandard colors as well as register the nonstandard colors as purebred miniature schnauzers. Additionally, nonstandard colors are allowed to participate in every AKC sanctioned event except Conformation Showing.
When choosing a particular color of a puppy please keep in mind a lot of colors can change over time and look different once the puppy gets older. We encourage you to do some research before choosing a particular color so you will know what to expect as your puppy gets older.
AKC Miniature Schnauzer Color Information
Black & Silver
AKC Color Registration Code – 016
The black and silver essentially follows the same pattern as the salt and peppers, except the body coat color is solid black. The beard and legs tend to be silver white and the dark hair may extend farther down the legs.
In black & silver dogs with phantom markings, the silver white mixture typically fades out to light silver or white in the eyebrows, whiskers, cheeks, under throat, inside ears, across chest, under tail, leg furnishings, and inside hind legs.
Salt & Pepper
AKC Color Registration Code – 167
Salt & Pepper come in all shades ranging from various shades of gray, from almost silver white to almost black. The coat may also have tan shadings. In most Salt and Pepper, the eyebrows, beard and legs will be light gray or silver white. When stripped for the show ring, the body hair is banded in various shades of black, white, gray. The hairs of the harsh topcoat are banded, alternating black and white and then back to black.
In salt and pepper dogs with phantom markings, the salt and pepper mixture fades out to light gray or silver white in the eyebrows, whiskers, cheeks, under throat, inside ears, across chest, under tail, leg furnishings, and inside hind legs. It may or may not also fade out on the underbody.
AKC Color Registration Code – 007
Solid blacks are entirely black with a black undercoat, except they may have a small white patch on the chest. The black topcoat is a true rich glossy color with the undercoat being less intense, a soft matting shade of black.
Platinum Silver
AKC Registration Color Code – 167
The platinum silver is registered with the same code as the salt & pepper. Platinum silvers are the lightest shades of salt & pepper you can find. They are born the color of a brown paper bag and have banded hair that turns into and extremely light silver; some can even appear almost white. They typically have dark gray to black masks, but not always.
Liver or Chocolate
AKC Color Registration Code – 123
Liver and Chocolate color are used interchangeably to describe a brown miniature schnauzer. Solid liver are entirely liver with a liver undercoat, except they may have a small white patch on the chest. It is also common for liver dogs to have some white on their chin and tips of their toes. The eyes are brown, hazel, or green. The nose and pads are brown.
White & White Chocolate
AKC Color Registration Code – 199
The solid white miniature schnauzer is entirely white. However, white can often look yellowish. The skin can range from a gray to black to pink tint. The eyes, nose and pads are black
The solid white chocolate miniature schnauzer is entirely white. The skin usually has a pink tint. The eyes are brown, hazel, or green. The nose and pads are brown.
Liver Tan
AKC Color Registration Code – 124
The liver tan essentially follows the same pattern as the black and silver, except the body coat section must be solid liver. The beard and legs tend to be tan or white and the dark hair may extend farther down the legs.
In liver tan phantom dogs, the liver tan mixture typically fades out to light tan or white in the eyebrows, whiskers, cheeks, under throat, inside ears, across chest, under tail, leg furnishings, and inside hind legs. The eyes are brown, hazel, or green. The nose and pads are brown.
Liver Pepper
AKC Color Registration Code – 498
Liver Pepper come in all shades, from the light to dark mixtures and essentially follows the same pattern as the salt & pepper. In liver pepper dogs, the liver pepper mixture fades out to light grey or silver white in the eyebrows, whiskers, cheeks, under throat, inside ears, across chest, under tail, leg furnishings, and inside hind legs. It may or may not also fade out on the underbody. The eyes are brown, hazel, or green. The nose and pads are brown.
The parti color miniature schnauzer has two types of coat patterns with either random spots or what is referred to as a saddleback. The spotted patterns are similar to Holstein cows with each one being a little different. The saddleback pattern is a large splotch of color on the topline of the miniature schnauzer. This is often referred to as a blanket and resembles a saddle or blanket. The color of spots or saddleback determines the main parit color. The rest of the coat furnishings are solid white. The parti colors with liver have brown, hazel, or green eyes as well as a brown nose and pad. The rest of the colors will have a black nose and pads.
Parti colors come in a wide range of colors of salt & pepper parti, black & silver parti, black parti, liver pepper parti, liver tan parti, liver parti, platinum silver parti, and wheaten parti.
AKC Color Registration Code – 224
The wheaten color ranges in various shades of cream to red color. The hair is reddish, banded hair in which the root is lighter and the tip is darker. Wheaten miniature schnauzers may have a black nose and pad or brown nose and pad. Typically, the eyes are brown, hazel, or green.
AKC Registration of Traditional and Nonstandard Miniature Schnauzer Colors
There are not any special requirements to register a miniature schnauzer in the three traditional colors of salt & pepper, black & silver, and black. Simply fill out the registration paper and mail it into the American Kennel Club. Another option is to register online at akc.org using the registration number and the online pin number provided on the registration paper.
In order to register a miniature schnauzer with a nonstandard coat color the American Kennel Club requires two pictures to be sent in with the AKC Registration Paper. The pictures must be a full front view and full side view of your miniature schnauzer in a standing position. Mail the AKC Registration Paper including the two pictures into the American Kennel Club. Please feel free to contact AKC for more information regarding registration of the standard and nonstandard colors.
Our schnauzers have placed in AKC Events